序号 |
学科 |
所属单位 |
第一/通讯作者 |
成果题目 |
刊物名称 |
发表/收录时间 |
奖励级别 |
刊物级别/收录情况 |
1 |
自然科学类 |
基础学部 |
王霞 |
Gap Induced Giant Third Order Optical Nonlinearity and Long Electron Relaxation Time in Random Distributed Gold Nanorod Arrays |
ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces |
2019.8 |
T类 |
2 |
基础学部 |
王霞 |
A low-cost broadband light source from Au nanorods used for micro-spectroscopy |
J. Luminescence |
2019.7 |
A类 |
3 |
城建学部 |
胡勇 |
Physical-mechanical properties of fly ashGGBFS geopolymer composites with recycled aggregates |
2019.11 |
A类 |
4 |
信息学部 |
俞侃 |
Demonstration of an on-chip TE-pass polarizer using a silicon hybrid plasmonic grating |
Optics Communications |
209.9 |
B类 |
5 |
城建学部 |
胡勇 |
Towards microstructure-based analysis and design for seepage water in underground engineering Effect of image characteristics |
2019.12 |
B类 |
6 |
城建学部 |
肖霞 |
Analysis of Initiation Angle for Fracture Propagation Considering Stress Interference |
energies |
2019.12 |
B类 |
7 |
信息学部 |
俞侃 |
Design of de-polarization long-wave-pass thin film edge filter |
Journal of Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials |
2019.1 |
C类 |
8 |
信息学部 |
曾志红 |
Scintillation index of ?at-topped beam through non-Kolmogorov turbulence |
2019.3 |
C类 |
9 |
基础学部 |
余雯 |
Tuning the Electronic Structure of ZnO Bilayer:A First-Principles Study |
Journal of Nanoscience & Nanotechnology |
2019.6 |
c类 |
10 |
基础学部 |
杨戟 |
Solar energy the Hydrogen supply system based on Grey neural network fault intelligent diagnosis technology research |
2019.5 |
C类 |
11 |
城建学部 |
叶菁 |
Landscape and Garden Design Based on Roads and Bridges Beautification |
2018.6 |
C类 |
12 |
信息学部 |
俞侃 |
All-optical modulation format conversion from PSK to ASK based on phase-sensitive amplification |
Optoelectronics. Lett. |
2019.9 |
D |
EI |
13 |
信息学部 |
俞侃 |
Phase erasure and fomat conversion of PSK to OOK based on phase sensitive amplification |
Proc SPIE Int Soc Opt Eng |
2019.9 |
D |
EI |
14 |
信息学部 |
俞侃 |
Box-like optical filter based on race-track high-order silicon microring resonators |
Proc SPIE Int Soc Opt Eng, AOMATT |
2019.9 |
D |
EI |
15 |
信息学部 |
包佳祺 |
A novel optical system of fingerprint and finger vein images acquisition |
SPIE,Proceedings Volume 10839, 9th International Symposium on Advanced Optical Manufacturing and Testing Technologies: Optical Test, Measurement Technology, and Equipment |
2019.1.18 |
D |
EI |
16 |
机电学部 |
孟超莹 |
Design of small lawn garbage sweeper |
ICMME 2018 |
2018.11 |
D |
EI |
17 |
机电学部 |
孟超莹 |
The Finite Element Analysis of the Boom of 20-ton Backhoe Hydraulic Excavator Based on ANSYS |
ICMMME2019 |
2019.3 |
D |
EI |
18 |
机电学部 |
孔敏 |
Rheological behavior and constitutive equations of 7075 aluminum alloy sheet at elevated temperatures |
Materials Science and Engineering |
2019.5 |
D |
EI |
19 |
机电学部 |
韩蕾蕾 |
Photo-Electric Response of Polyaniline/ZnO Nanocomposites Based on Inorganic/Organic Heterojunctions |
ICMMME 2019 |
2019.10 |
D |
EI |
20 |
机电学部 |
韩蕾蕾 |
Charge transport mechanism of polyaniline/ZnO nanocomposites based on inorganic/organic heterojunctions |
2MAE 2018 |
2019.10 |
D |
EI |
21 |
机电学部 |
韩蕾蕾 |
enhanced Photo-electric Response of p-n Heterointerface on Ordered ZnO Nanowires/Polyaniline Films |
ICMMME 2019 |
2019.10 |
D |
EI |
22 |
机电学部 |
何琴 |
Study on Temperature and Pressure Control of Autoclave Based on FPGA |
2018 3rd International Conference on Mechanical, Control and Computer Engineering |
2019.11 |
D |
EI |
23 |
机电学部 |
连迅 |
Floating glass on-line detection system based on defect feature maximum value method |
Earth and Environmental Scinece |
2019.11 |
D |
EI |
24 |
机电学部 |
樊姗 |
Hydraulic Simulation Analysis of Sonic Drilling Hydraulic Vibration Head |
ICMME 2018 |
2019.11 |
D |
EI |
25 |
机电学部 |
樊姗 |
Design of Hydraulic and Control System for Lifting and Lowering Manipulator of Core Drill Rig |
ICMCCE 2018 |
2019.10 |
D |
EI |
26 |
机电学部 |
樊姗 |
Design of the curtain wall cleaning robot |
ICMMME 2019 |
2019.11 |
D |
EI |
27 |
机电学部 |
李文慧 |
Improved Constructive Morphological Neural Network for Fault Diagnosis of Gearbox |
IEEE Computer Society,CPS |
2019.7 |
D |
EI |
28 |
城建学部 |
郑折 |
A model for ballistic limit of a cylidrical fragment penetrating a FRP sandwich plate |
振动与冲击 |
2018 |
D |
EI |
29 |
信息学部 |
童伊琳 |
高应变速率锻造含钛机械壳体镁合金的组织与性能 |
钢铁钒钛 |
2019.2 |
北大核心 |
30 |
信息学部 |
童伊琳 |
3D打印5CrMnMo热锻模钢的性能研究 |
钢铁钒钛 |
2019.3 |
北大核心 |
31 |
信息学部 |
尹娟娟 |
基于多模光纤的高斯光束平顶化整形技术 |
光学技术 |
2019.3 |
北大核心 |
33 |
基础学部 |
张锴 |
非等间距NGM(1,1,k)模型等改进算法及其应用 |
工程数学学报 |
2019.4 |
北大核心 |
34 |
机电学部 |
许小颖 |
液化气船液货罐安装工艺技术 |
船海工程 |
2019.7 |
北大核心 |
35 |
机电学部 |
王琳 |
判别线面相交及面面相交的假想墙法 |
图学学报 |
2019.1 |
北大核心 |
36 |
机电学部 |
樊姗 |
声波钻机液压振动头的液压系统设计及仿真分析 |
机床与液压 |
2019.6 |
北大核心 |
37 |
机电学部 |
杨卫红 |
2 kW射频板条CO2激光器电极表面膜特性研究 |
应用激光 |
2019.3 |
北大核心 |
38 |
机电学部 |
孔敏 |
基于AUTOFORM的汽车顶棚冲压回弹评估及补偿研究 |
锻压技术 |
2019.8 |
北大核心 |
39 |
机电学部 |
孔敏 |
基于AutoForm的高强钢板成形件回弹分析与补偿收敛性研究 |
锻压技术 |
2019.9 |
北大核心 |
40 |
城建学部 |
胡荣 |
基于渐近线选择的TDOA定位算法 |
兵器装备工程学报 |
2019.11 |
北大核心 |
41 |
机电学部 |
何琴 |
基于FPGA热压罐的温度和气压控制研究 |
制造技术与机床 |
2019.8 |
北大核心 |
42 |
机电学部 |
何琴 |
生产线上拾取机器人的设计—以易拉罐为例 |
机械制造与自动化 |
2019.9 |
科技核心 |